The resources and links on this site are meant to provide a basic introduction to the ceramic traditions of many portions of the U.S. Southwest and Northern Mexico. The materials presented here were compiled as part of a graduate seminar in comparative ceramic typology (ASB 591, Fall 2006) organized by Matthew Peeples and Dr. Michelle Hegmon at Arizona State University. Specific documents prepared by participants in this seminar are credited below. Resources from other web sources are marked as external links.

If you have any questions or other resources that might be useful to include, please email me at

Chaco/San Juan Basin Region
Cibola/Zuni Region
Fremont Region
Hohokam Region
Jornada Region
Mesa Verde/Northern San Juan Region
Mimbres Region
Northern Arizona Region
Rio Grande Region
Salado/Roosevelt Redware Region

Other Useful External Links
  Chaco/San Juan Basin Region:
Chaco Pottery - external link (National Park Service)
Anasazi Painted Pottery in the Field Museum of Natural History - 1940, somewhat outdated but a good source of photographs (

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  Cibola/Zuni Region & Reserve/Mogollon Highlands:
El Morro Valley Prehistory Project Ceramic Form - Keith Kintigh, Arizona State University
EMVPP Ceramic Guide - Keith Kintigh and others, Arizona State University
Cibola White Ware Identification Flowchart - University of Arizona

Anasazi Painted Pottery in the Field Museum of Natural History - 1940, somewhat outdated but a good source of photographs (
Zuni Potsherds - 1916, A. L. Kroeber's early description of pottery from the Zuni area (
Late Mogollon Pottery Types of the Reserve Area - 1956, Rinaldo and Bluhm description of various pottery types from the Reserve and surrounding areas

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  Fremont Region:
Fremont Ceramic Descriptions and References - Chris Watkins, Arizona State University
Parowan Pottery and Freemont Complexity: Late Formative Ceramic Production and Exchange - Chris Watkins, M.A. thesis Brigham Young University

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  Hohokam Region:
Laboratory of Sonoran Ceramic Research - external link (Arizona State University)
Desert Archaeology, Inc Petrography Lab - external link (Desert Archaeology)
Hohokam Pottery Descriptions - external link (Logan Museum)
Ceramic Provienience Study: Poster - external link (Gila River Indian Community)

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  Jornada Region:
Three Rivers Redwares - Steph Kulow, Arizona State University
Pottery of the Trans-Pecos - external link (Texas Beyond History, TARL)
La Junta de los Rios, credits and sources - external link (Texas Beyond History, TARL)

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  Mesa Verde/Northern San Juan Region:
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Laboratory Manual - external link (CCAC)
Southwestern Colorado Pottery Types - external link (Fort Lewis College)
Ceramic Ware Descriptions - external link (Totah Archaeological Project)
Anasazi Painted Pottery in the Field Museum of Natural History - 1940, somewhat outdated but a good source of photographs (

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  Mimbres Region:
A Primer for Mimbres Decorated Pottery - Steph Kulow, Arizona State University
Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project Pottery Coding Guide - Arizona State University
Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project Pottery Recording Forms - Arizona State University
Mimbres Ceramic References - Steph Kulow, Arizona State University
Mimbres Pottery - external link (Smithsonian Institution)

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  Northern Arizona Region:
Tusayan/Little Colorado White Ware Descriptions - Craig Fertelmes, Arizona State University
Mogollon Region Small-site Survey Ceramic Recording Form - Arizona State University
Anthropology Labs - Prehistoric Pottery - external link (Northern Arizona University)
Southwest Pottery - external link (Northern Arizona University)
Ceramic Field Identification Guide - external link (Museum of Northern Arizona)
Homolovi IV: The First Village - external link (Arizona State Museum)
Anasazi Painted Pottery in the Field Museum of Natural History - 1940, somewhat outdated but a good source of photographs (
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  Rio Grande Region:
Chupadero/Tabira Black-on-white - Hayes, Young, and Warren 1981
Corona Plain/Corrugated - Hayes, Young, and Warren 1981
Rio Grande Glaze Wares - Hayes, Young, and Warren 1981
Glaze Ware rims - Habicht-Mauche, Eckert, and Huntley 2006
Cheat sheet for Cochiti Reservoir Area - external link (David A. Phillips)
Pajarito Plateau Ceramics Bibliography - Diane Curewitz, Washington State University
Rio Grande Glaze Wares - external link (Wikipedia)

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  Salado/Roosevelt Redware Region:
Roosevelt Platform Mound Study - Arizona State University, Archaeological Research Institute
An Analysis of Whole Vessels from the Mills Collection Curated at Eastern Arizona College, Thatcher Arizona - external link (Anna Neuzil and Patrick Lyons, Center for Desert Archaeology)
Cliff Polychrome - external link (Patrick Lyons, Center for Desert Archaeology)
Salado Polychrome References - Arizona State University, Archaeological Research Institute

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  Other Useful External Resources:
Ceramic Analysis Bibliography -
Ceramics for the Archaeologist - Anna O. Shepard, Carnegie Institution for Science
Ceramic Petrology - Alan Vince Archaeological Consultancy
Ceramic References - End Note Library (right click to save as: html version)
Christopher Pierce's page with articles on ceramic technology 
David A. Phillips - Useful websites for SW ceramic typology
Glossary of Ceramic Terminology - Tulane University
Logan Museum of Anthropology - Ancient Cultures of the Southwest - Beloit College
Petrofacies - Desert Archaeology Inc.
Pottery and Pigments in Arizona
- Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University
Pottery Project (virtual exhibit) - Arizona State Museum
Pottery Southwest - Albuquerque Archaeological Society
  Pueblo Pottery Image Gallery - The Internet Public Library

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